Wel­come to the tab­le mountain area!

– Mag­ni­fi­cent expe­ri­ences in a world-uni­que lands­cape sha­ped by time

It is always clo­se to power­ful natu­re expe­ri­ences thanks to a num­ber of cha­rac­te­ristic lands­cape types. Here you will find three uni­que envi­ron­ments such as the pene­pla­ne with its flat cliffs, the tab­le mountains that with their vari­ous rock lay­ers rise over the plain and ice age depo­sits that cre­a­te an incom­pa­rab­le lands­cape. In the­se envi­ron­ments the­re is a gre­at vari­e­ty of habi­tat types. But the vari­ed tab­le mountain lands­cape does not only offer power­ful natu­re expe­ri­ences. The area is full of cul­tural and indust­ri­al histo­ri­cal remains that open a win­dow to the past.

Wel­come to disco­ver the tab­le mountain area!

Here it is

The tab­le mountain regi­on is loca­ted between Sweden’s two lar­gest lakes, Vänern and Vät­tern. Simply put, the area con­si­sts of the Väst­gö­ta Plain and the fif­teen tab­le mountains that frame it. The area of the geo­park stret­ches across 3,690 km2 and nine muni­ci­pa­li­ti­es: Grästorp, Väners­borg, Troll­hät­tan, Lid­kö­ping, Göte­ne, Mari­estad, Sköv­de, Ska­ra and Fal­kö­ping. The bounda­ri­es are set accor­ding to geo­lo­gi­cal values – not the muni­ci­pal bounda­ri­es. 

Start the adventure!

Visit one of the info­points and open the door to the tab­le mountain area. Here you find exhi­bi­tions about the geo­lo­gy of the area, our brochu­res and fri­end­ly staff who are hap­py to tell you more about the tab­le mountain area.

The Royal Hunt Muse­um – Elk hill


The Royal Hunt Muse­um — Elk Hill that is loca­ted in Eco­park Hal­le-Hun­ne­berg tells the sto­ry of the tab­le mountains Hal­le- and Hun­ne­berg, the cul­tural histo­ry of the area, the tra­di­tio­nal royal hunt, fan­tastic natu­re. READ MORE >

Natu­rum Vänerskärgården


Insi­de natu­rum, the­re are inspi­ring exhi­bi­tions that will enrich your visit to the archi­pe­la­go of Lake Vänern. Gui­ded tours through and around natu­rum are offe­red, as well as lectu­res and family acti­vi­ti­es. READ MORE >



Along the beach of Lake Vänern in Lid­kö­ping is Väner­mu­se­et, the muse­um of the big lake, whe­re you can also learn more about the lands­cape you are cur­rent­ly visi­ting. READ MORE >

Karls­fors manor


At beau­ti­ful Karls­fors manor you find the beau­ti­ful Sil­ver­fal­let and the remains of one of the are­a’s lar­gest alum and lime mills. The­re is also a shop, café, art gal­le­ry and a geo­lo­gy exhi­bi­tion. READ MORE >

Natu­rum Hornborgasjön


Flo­a­ting on pil­lars out in Lake Horn­bor­ga stands Natu­rum Horn­bor­ga­sjön. You will find an exci­ting and beau­ti­ful exhi­bi­tion here about natu­re by the lake. You can learn more about the area here. READ MORE >

Åsle Tå


The many-thousand-year-old agricul­tural country­si­de and the cha­rac­te­ristic tab­le mountain lands­cape spre­ad out befo­re your eyes. Below Ålle­berg, Fal­byg­den descends into a gent­le val­ley — Åsle­sän­kan. Here is Åsle Tå – Swe­den’s lar­gest col­lec­tion of so cal­led “back­stu­gor”. READ MORE >

Good to know

Tra­vel to
Troll­hät­tan och Vänersborg

Fast and easy! Whet­her you want to get here by car, bike, boat, fly, bus or take the train, it is easy to visit us. To Troll­hät­tan and Väners­borg, you can choo­se the mode of trans­por­ta­tion that suits you.

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Tra­vel to
The area of Skaraborg

Set between Sweden’s two lar­gest lakes, Ska­ra­borg is easy to get to. Sköv­de is only 1 hour from Gothen­burg by train and just over 2 hours from Stock­holm. From Sköv­de buses easily take you on to other local towns.

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Free­dom to roam
The Right of Pub­lic Access

The Right of pub­lic access is ama­zing – free­dom to roam in natu­re almost whe­re­ver you want. But the­re are also limi­ta­tions and respon­si­bi­li­ty. Read more about the Right of the pub­lic access and stay­ing in sen­si­ti­ve nature.

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