Platåbergens Geopark has been given status as Sweden’s first Unesco Global Geopark. A geopark is an area that tells the story of our planet’s development. The geological processes that have been going on for millions of years – and are still going on – have given the area the geological phenomena and environments that can only be found here, or in only a few places globally.
Today there are 213 geoparks across 48 countries. These geoparks collaborate via the Global Geoparks Network, which aims to connect geoparks all around the world. Being part of this network also puts our region on the world map. Global Geoparks are appointed by the UN agency UNESCO. Other examples of UNESCO concepts are World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves.
Developing tourism in the area in a sustainable way.

Spreading knowledge about the connection between geology
and natural and cultural heritages.

Contributing to sustainable management of the area, with future generations in mind.

Geoparks are areas with a unique GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE of international importance. The geoparks have places where visitors can experience and get to know the history of our planet – places that help us understand why the landscape looks the way it does.
Geoparks also contain an exceptional and rich NATURAL HERITAGE. Fascinating landscapes, varying ecosystems, and a rich biological diversity are major values that allow visitors to understand the challenges that our planet faces.
Geoparks are meeting places where Earth’s history meets the history of mankind. Visitors can travel through time, from the first settlers via the industrial development to our modern society, which is a valuable CULTURAL HERITAGE.
The IMMATERIAL HERITAGE bears witness to the close relationship between the people living here and the land they have worked for thousands of years – stories, legends, and myths that we risk losing if they are not transferred to future generations.
Geopark networks
In the global geoparks network there are 177 geoparks in 46 countries today. These geoparks are divided into regional sub-networks. Our location, in Sweden, places us in the European Geoparks Network which concists of 94 geoparks spread over 28 european countries. Read more about global geoparks and the different networks via the links below.