Kata Gård near Varn­hem is an infor­ma­tion cent­re built on the hill behind the monas­te­ry ruins.

Archae­o­lo­gi­cal exca­va­tions here have unco­ve­red sen­sa­tio­nal finds that reve­al the histo­ry of this area during the Viking era. This was a power­ful Viking farm at that time. The farm had one of the oldest sto­ne chur­ches in Swe­den, as well as a Christi­an buri­al site that was first used as ear­ly as the 10th century.

The ske­le­ton of an impor­tant and power­ful woman was found in one of the gra­ves – Kata. We know her name thanks to the inscrip­tions on the runesto­ne that cove­red her grave.

It was the local geo­lo­gy that pro­vi­ded the con­di­tions for human sett­le­ment at Kata Gård. Wit­hout the fer­ti­le, lime-rich soil that pro­du­ced rich har­vests, such a lar­ge farm could not have deve­lo­ped here. Limesto­ne from Bil­ling­en was used to build the farm church. The same limesto­ne was also used to make the cover sto­ne on Kata’s gra­ve, which ensu­red the excep­tio­nal pre­ser­va­tion of her skeleton.

Hit­ta Hit