Well, the Earth’s history is divided into various intervals that make up the geological time scale. For example, the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic geological periods are each sub-divided into epochs. Each geological age has a reference point somewhere in the world, and the golden spike is one such reference point! It was here that geological history changed from one stage to the next during the Lower Ordovician, 478 million years ago. The golden spike is an international geological reference point for a geological stage called the Floian – named after the small village of Flo east of Hunneberg. The Floian is distinguished by a small fossil (a type of graptolite) that is found in the mountain here – a small marine, worm-like creature with four “arms” that first appeared at this time. (Truthfully, the spike has lost its golden sheen after a few years of exposure to the elements – but if you look carefully, you will see that it is still there!)

Gyllene spiken (the golden spike) is located in the nature reserve Halle- och Hunnebergs rasbranter.