
We col­la­bo­ra­te with all tou­rism orga­ni­za­tions wit­hin our area, the­se are:
Visit Troll­hät­tan Väners­borg, Grästorp turism, Des­ti­na­tion Läckö-Kin­ne­kul­le, Visit Mari­estad, Ska­ra turism, Next Sköv­de, samt Fal­kö­ping turism.

Other col­la­bo­ra­tion par­ters are:

Även­tyr & Trail


Kung­a­jaktsmu­se­et – Älgens berg


Natu­rum Vänerskärgården

Råbäcks meka­nis­ka stenhuggeri

Qvarnstens­gru­van i Lugås

Väs­ter­göt­lands museum

Natu­rum Hornborgasjön

Visit Horn­bor­ga­sjön

Fal­byg­dens museum

Eke­ha­gens forntidsby

Äls­ka Billingen

Lug­nås­ber­get Ekohotell



För­e­ning­en Vallevägen

Fal­byg­dens mat och kultur

Mötes­plats Kinnekulle

Pris­ma Väst­ra Götaland

Kin­ne­kul­le Turism

Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park over­laps with Biosphe­re Reser­ve Lake Vänern Archi­pe­la­go and Mount Kin­ne­kul­le. To avo­id com­pe­ti­tion whi­le fin­ding sustai­nab­le forms of coo­pe­ra­tion, we have deve­lo­ped a col­la­bo­ra­tion strategy.

Stra­te­gy for col­la­bo­ra­tion 2019–2024:

  • The Biosphe­re Reser­ve sup­ports Pla­tå­ber­gens Geopark’s appli­ca­tion to UNE­SCO in the autumn of 2019 through a let­ter of support.
  • The Biosphe­re Reser­ve and Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park have a com­mon mee­ting once a year (in Novem­ber) to upda­te the col­la­bo­ra­tion stra­te­gy and look into oppor­tu­ni­ti­es for col­la­bo­ra­tion for the coming year.
  • The Biosphe­re Reser­ve and Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park have as a rou­ti­ne to keep each other upda­ted on pro­ject fun­ding being appli­ed for, so as to not com­pe­te for funding.
  • In 2019 and 2020, we pri­o­ri­ti­ze col­la­bo­ra­tion around the Biosphe­re Rou­te and col­la­bo­ra­tion on a sha­red event.
  • Other col­la­bo­ra­tion, e.g. around eco­sy­stem services.

Coo­pe­ra­tion strategy

Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park invol­ves orga­ni­sa­tions, pri­va­te busi­nes­ses, volun­te­ers and gui­des at four dif­fe­rent levels.


Established orga­ni­sa­tions, e.g.:

  • Muni­ci­pal orga­ni­sa­tions, natu­re schools, schools, com­mu­ni­ty centres
  • Museums
  • Uni­ver­si­ti­es and uni­ver­si­ty colleges
  • Non­pro­fit organisations
  • Tou­rist and des­ti­na­tion companies.
Pri­va­te businesses

Local busi­nes­ses wit­hin the geo­park area who offer:

  • Local pro­ducts
  • Accom­mo­da­tion
  • Food

Resi­dents in the geo­park area who volun­te­er at vari­ous events.

Are You inte­res­ted to volun­te­er at Pla­tå­ber­gens geo­park? Send us an e‑mail at

Geo­park guides

Tou­rist com­pa­ni­es who col­la­bo­ra­te with the geo­park to arrange gui­ded tours and events.

The following demands app­ly on all four levels of part­ners­hip with Pla­tå­ber­gens Geopark:

The organisations/businesses and the volun­te­ers under­ta­ke to:

  • Be a good repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the geo­park, be infor­med about what a UNE­SCO Glo­bal Geo­park is, what Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park is, and how the geo­park works to ful­fil Agen­da 2030.
  • Have taken at least one cour­se or atten­ded at least one educa­tio­nal ses­sion arrang­ed by the geo­park. For orga­ni­sa­tions, at least one per­son from the orga­ni­sa­tion must have atten­ded a cour­se or educa­tio­nal session.
  • Not be invol­ved in any kind of sale of geo­lo­gi­cal mate­ri­al or encou­rage tra­de in or col­lec­tion of rocks or minerals.
  • Gua­ran­tee that the geo­park logo­ty­pe is repro­du­ced correct­ly. When using the geo­park logo on lar­ger prin­ted mate­ri­al, such as brochu­res, geo­park staff must give their appro­val befo­re printing.
  • Show the geo­park as a part­ner on their web­si­te and soci­al media, and link to the geo­park website.
  • Always check with geo­park staff befo­re making sta­te­ments or com­mu­ni­ca­ting with the media about the geo­park. Only geo­park staff may make sta­te­ments to the media as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the geo­park; part­ners make sta­te­ments as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of their respecti­ve orga­ni­sa­tions or as pri­va­te actors.

The organisations/businesses and the volun­te­ers have the right to:

  • Be made visib­le on the geo­park web­si­te and in soci­al media.
  • Use the Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park logo on their own web­si­te, in prin­ted mate­ri­al and, after spe­ci­al agre­e­ment, on local products.
  • Par­ti­ci­pa­te free of char­ge in study cir­cles and furt­her educa­tion arrang­ed by the geopark.
  • Recei­ve free com­mer­ci­al pro­ducts, e.g. brochu­res, pins, etc. from the geopark.
  • Orga­ni­sa­tions and volun­te­ers recei­ve a diplo­ma or a sign that they may dis­play at their establishment.

Ongo­ing projects

The Swe­dish Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency’s LONA grant: Time tra­vel – a tab­le mountain expe­ri­ence for child­ren and teenagers

We have recei­ved a grant from LONA to deve­lop our acti­vi­ti­es for child­ren and tee­na­gers. The grant is used to cre­a­te educa­tio­nal mate­ri­al and instruc­tions for teachers and to deve­lop the “Mini Ambas­sa­dors” con­cept. The pro­ject has a strong local founda­tion as we work with Biosphe­re Reser­ve Lake Vänern Archi­pe­la­go and Mount Kin­ne­kul­le, as well as with museums and schools wit­hin the geo­park area. The pro­ject is an out­do­or ven­tu­re of gre­at soci­al bene­fit as we make are­as avai­lab­le for children.

The pur­po­se is:

  • to give child­ren and tee­na­gers wit­hin the geo­park area know­led­ge about their local envi­ron­ments through an educa­tio­nal effort, focus­sing on the tab­le mountains and their spe­ci­al geology
  • to incre­a­se the children’s understan­ding of geo­lo­gy and the con­nec­tions between geo­lo­gy, bio­lo­gy, and cul­tural history
  • to con­tri­bu­te to an incre­a­sed understan­ding of the earth systems, inclu­ding cli­ma­te change
  • to pro­vi­de schools and teachers with gui­dan­ce, sup­port, and mate­ri­al so that they can car­ry out the items above
  • to deve­lop the Mini Ambas­sa­dors con­cept in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Biosphe­re Reser­ve Lake Vänern Archi­pe­la­go and Mount Kinnekulle.

Ongo­ing research

Stu­di­es at Lug­nås – weat­he­ring of the bedrock

We are study­ing the geo­lo­gi­cal cha­rac­te­ristics of the gra­ni­te-gneiss that was quar­ri­ed from bene­ath Cam­bri­an sand­sto­ne at Lug­nås for mill­sto­ne pro­duc­tion over a peri­od of many cen­tu­ri­es.  Whi­le the­re is lite­ra­tu­re cove­ring the soci­al and indust­ri­al histo­ry of tho­se mines, geo­lo­gi­cal rea­sons for why this rock was well sui­ted to mill­sto­ne pro­duc­tion have been less explo­red.  The quar­ri­ed rock is spe­ci­al becau­se it appe­ars to have under­go­ne some unu­su­al che­mi­cal weat­he­ring through reac­tion with water, which meant that it could be cut into mill­sto­nes but also remai­ned strong enough that it did not wear too quick­ly as a millstone.

Rock cores have been extrac­ted, which are cur­rent­ly under­go­ing che­mi­cal and mecha­ni­cal tes­ting, and it is plan­ned to use the new synchro­tron faci­li­ty in Lund, Max­IV, to help understand the unu­su­al che­mi­cal weat­he­ring pro­ces­ses.  Ana­ly­ses are expec­ted to be com­ple­ted during 2021 and the pro­ject is a coo­pe­ra­tion between The Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey of Swe­den, Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty, Lund Uni­ver­si­ty, Lin­ne­as Uni­ver­si­ty and The Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey of Norway.


Brad­ley Goodfellow

Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey of Swe­den (Lund)

Degree pro­jects

Trans­for­ma­tion of an indust­ri­al landscape

“How can archi­tectu­ral design trans­form and revi­ve an indust­ri­al lands­cape into a pla­ce for recre­a­tion and education?”

Tyra Wingren Berg­man and Elsa Sjö­blom are two archi­tectu­re stu­dents who stu­di­ed at Chal­mers and they cho­se to use Cemen­ta’s lar­ge quar­ry as their case study for their dis­ser­ta­tion on the trans­for­ma­tion of indust­ri­al are­as clo­se to the city. They wan­ted to inve­sti­ga­te how archi­tectu­re can make the pla­ce acces­sib­le to humans. And how what is built can strengthen the con­nec­tions between geo­lo­gy, bio­lo­gy and cul­tural histo­ry, in a peda­go­gi­cal way.

At the begin­ning of their rese­arch, they disco­ve­red Pla­tå­ber­gens Geo­park and con­tac­ted us to get gui­dan­ce, inspi­ra­tion and to hear our thoughts and ide­as about the quar­ry. In June 2021, they pre­sen­ted their work to us.

See the com­ple­te mas­ter thesis