Tom­tens limesto­ne quar­ry is one of the more well-pre­ser­ved lime quar­ri­es in Fal­kö­ping muni­ci­pa­li­ty, and it tells the sto­ry of an indu­stry that was once very exten­si­ve across the tab­le mountain region.

The histo­ry of this quar­ry stret­ches back to the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, and up until the 1960s lime was bur­ned in kilns here. In the mid-1950s, around 15,000 tons of limesto­ne was quar­ri­ed here annu­al­ly, and more than 30 lime kilns were in ope­ra­tion. From the mid-1970s to mid-1990s, limesto­ne was quar­ri­ed and then crushed to make agricul­tural lime, forest fer­ti­li­ser, and lime used for lake liming.

On seve­ral occa­sions, Tom­tens limesto­ne quar­ry has been used as a cul­tu­re cent­re for exhi­bi­tions and con­certs. The quar­ry is on pri­va­te pro­per­ty, so ple­a­se respect this when visi­ting the area. 

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