Pho­to: Jesper Anhede
Hin­dens Rev is a nar­row penin­su­la that reaches seve­ral kilo­metres straight out into Lake Vänern. At the very tip it feels as if you have been cast out into the midd­le of the lake. 

On the west side of Lake Vänern you can glimp­se Hjor­tens udde, which looks like an exten­sion of Hin­dens rev. Why is it that you can walk so far out into Lake Vänern here? Hin­dens rev, like Hjor­tens udde, was cre­a­ted by the inland ice about 12,500 years ago. The inland ice is like a giant con­vey­or belt that grinds the sur­fa­ce bene­ath it and car­ri­es along sto­ne and gra­vel. Lar­ge amounts of this rock and gra­vel are depo­si­ted in front of the ice, for­ming what we know as a ter­mi­nal moraine.

The last inland ice reached its max­i­mum extent about 20,000 years ago. Then the cli­ma­te beca­me war­mer and the ice began to melt. But for a peri­od that star­ted about 12,800 years ago somet­hing hap­pened to the cli­ma­te and it beca­me col­der again. This cau­sed the ice to stop mel­ting, and in fact it even advan­ced in some are­as. The result was the Midd­le Swe­dish End Morai­ne Zone (MSE­MZ), of which Hin­dens rev is part. Today the sto­nes have been worn down into peb­b­les by the waves of Lake Vänern.

Hit­ta Hit

Hin­dens rev is a natu­re reser­ve.