At the Flout­sik­ten look­out point you stand on the edge of the Hun­ne­berg dole­ri­te pla­teau with bre­ath­ta­king views over a flat lands­cape of fer­ti­le soil – the Väst­gö­tas­lät­ten plains.

The­se plains extend from south of Lake Vänern east­wards, and are known for their rich soil, which have sup­por­ted human agricul­tu­re for over a thousand years. After the last ice age this area was sea bed, and nut­ri­ent-rich sedi­ment sett­led on the bed as thick lay­ers of clay. The Väst­gö­tas­lät­ten plains are a flat regi­on whe­re the vari­a­tion in height in some are­as (such as Varas­lät­ten and Ska­ras­lät­ten) is as litt­le as 10 metres.

The bed­rock bene­ath lar­ge parts of the Väst­gö­tas­lät­ten plains is cal­led the sub-Cam­bri­an pene­plain, and is rela­ti­vely flat. The rea­son for this is that the bed­rock was ero­ded to an almost flat sur­fa­ce some 600 mil­li­on years ago. The pene­plain was then flooded by a sea that cove­red it with lay­ers of sedi­ment, that later beca­me sedi­men­ta­ry bed­rock. Ero­sion of the­se sedi­men­ta­ry bed­rock over mil­li­ons of years then expo­sed the pene­plain again (except from whe­re the sedi­men­ta­ry bed­rock were cove­red by dole­ri­te, and cre­a­ted the tab­le mountains). After the last ice age the flat bed­rock sur­fa­ce was cove­red by the sedi­ments that beca­me the rich soils we see today.

Hit­ta Hit

The Flo view­point is loca­ted in the Hal­le- och Hun­ne­bergs ras­bran­ter natu­re reser­ve.