This is a good loca­tion for admi­ring the vari­ous och­re-colou­red sha­des of the Bil­ling­en limesto­ne and for birdwatching.

In win­ter, the fro­zen casca­des on the quar­ry walls are spectacu­lar. The­re is a natu­re cent­re here with fine views across the quar­ry and you can watch the birds wit­hout distur­bing them. Eura­si­an eag­le-owls and com­mon kestrels nest on the quar­ry walls, and the shal­low lake is popu­lar with litt­le gre­be and hor­ned gre­be. Parts of the area are spe­ci­al bird pro­tec­tion sites.

Take a bike ride to the south of the quar­ry and don’t for­get your binocu­lars! The nea­rest road access is from Simsjövägen.

Hit­ta Hit

Cemen­ta’s sout­hern quar­ry is part­ly loca­ted in the Klas­borgs och Våmbs äng­ar natu­re reserve.