With its 35 metres, Boc­kas­ke­deå­sen is the hig­hest ridge in the Val­le district.

The lands­cape here is rolling and vari­ed, fea­tu­ring hills, ridges, and small lakes. This distin­cti­ve lands­cape was sha­ped by the last ice age and is an examp­le of a so-cal­led kame lands­cape. Boc­kas­ke­deå­sen offers a view of the enti­re kame lands­cape, but also of Bil­ling­en to the east and Kin­ne­kul­le to the west. The Bil­ling­en Trail runs across Bockaskedeåsen.

The part of the natu­re reser­ve that lies to the east of the road, cal­led Toran, extends up towards Bil­ling­en and con­si­sts of dole­ri­te cliffs and old-growth forest. This area is more dif­ficult to walk in and the pat­hs are not marked on the map.

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Boc­kas­ke­deså­sen-Toran is a natu­re reser­ve.