Amund­torp is the site of a sto­ne ship sur­roun­ded by seve­ral Iron Age gra­ves with a view that stret­ches for miles.

This green hill with its view of Lake Horn­bor­ga and the plain in between feels like a good pla­ce to start the final jour­ney. The view of the lake was pro­bably sig­ni­fi­cant­ly bet­ter when the gra­ves were con­struc­ted, around 400–550 CE.

Sto­ne ships are inter­pre­ted as ships in which the dead could tra­vel to the after­li­fe, and the sto­ne ship at Amund­torp is very well made with equal­ly spa­ced sto­nes. Behind it are seve­ral gra­ves of vari­ous sha­pes, for examp­le three sto­ne cir­cles (domar­ring­ar in Swe­dish, lite­ral­ly mea­ning “jud­ge cir­cles”). It was beli­e­ved that such sto­ne cir­cles fun­c­tio­ned as pla­ces whe­re legal tri­als were held, but finds inclu­ding burnt bones, need­les, and other things here at Amund­torp con­tri­bu­ted to the new inter­pre­ta­tion of the sto­ne cir­cles as a type of grave.

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