Kål­landsö island, north-west of Lid­kö­ping, is the most nort­her­ly part of a spur of land that reaches out into Lake Vanern.

The bed­rock con­si­sts of light and dark gneiss. Here you can see the results of a dra­ma­tic event that occur­red a very long time ago. Kål­landsö is part of an old fault zone in the Earth’s crust whe­re the rock to the west was for­ced upwards over the bed­rock to the east when we col­li­ded with North Ame­ri­ca a bil­li­on years ago. The bed­rock to the west is also slight­ly young­er than that to the east.

The results of this thrust can be seen today, just south of Läckö Cast­le, near Spi­ken and along the sho­re of Kål­landsö. The type of rocks found here are hea­vily defor­med (meta­morp­hic), foli­a­ted gneis­ses which stri­ke in north-south with a con­ti­nu­a­tion across lake Vänern to Värm­land­snäs on the other side. Rocks of this type, which are hea­vily defor­med by move­ment deep wit­hin the Earth’s crust, whe­re tem­pe­ra­tu­res are high, are known as mylo­ni­te. They are recog­ni­sed by their very fine-grai­ned, ban­ded appearance.

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